New Disney+ Star Wars Series: Logos Analysis

Spoilers for all things Star Wars ahead!

Boardwalk Times


Disney Investor Day brought with it many new announcements that filled fans’ hearts with joy. Star Wars brought a lot to the table that has left fans speculating over every last detail. Some of the best hints at what’s to come are hidden in plain sight…

Any Star Wars fan will easily recognize the iconography on a surface level, but for the more casual viewer, here is a breakdown of the easter eggs hidden within.

We may not have gotten the behind-the-scenes look at this new spin-off series at Investor Day but the logo reveal itself has some very telling information. For one thing, that reveal? On a black screen, the title of the series is revealed through grains of sand blowing in the wind until they form “Obi-Wan Kenobi.” We already know that a good portion of this show will be taking place on Tatooine while Obi-Wan is in exile and watching over Luke as he grows up. But other than that, no other kinds of locations will be revealed. The final thing to note in this logo reveal is the last letter in Obi-Wan’s last name.

The ‘I’ in Kenobi appears to be the same shape as Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. We didn’t get an investor behind-the-scenes or concept look but that short clip is still pretty telling.

Ahsoka just made her live-action debut played by Rosario Dawson in Disney+’s The Mandalorian, but she has a long legacy behind her that fans of the animated series (The Clone Wars, Rebels) are well aware of. The most glaring thing in this logo is the connection to the world between worlds; a time-traveling aspect of the force that has only been explored in Rebels and saved Ahsoka from certain doom at the hands of Darth Vader.

Concept art by Molly Denmark

The lines, stars, circles and especially the Jedi text along the outer circle are all indicative of this dimension of the force and that Ahsoka’s first time through it isn’t her last. The ‘O’ in Ahsoka’s name also seems to be hiding it’s own secret.

From the end of Star Wars Rebels

Ahsoka is directly comparable at this point to Gandalf, as stated many times by Filoni himself who is a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work. Her last appearance in Star Wars Rebels had her holding a staff with a similar circle shape on the top point. It could also indicate a portal with someone inside; in this case, it would likely be Ezra Bridger as that is who Ahsoka was last seen searching for besides Thrawn as she mentioned in The Mandalorian. Ahsoka was saved by Ezra in the same way.

Rangers of the New Republic is another series taking place in the same era as The Mandalorian. The Rangers logo stems from something newer in the canon. The logo is indicative of traditional military logos and is something new for Star Wars’ association to the light side of galactic conflicts. Cara Dune was rumored to be getting her own spin-off and there are signs she may be in this new series with her earning a badge.

From The Mandalorian Chapter 14

Cara Dune herself said that these “stripes” mean something and it looks like there may be different ranks based on color per the logo.

Lando has always been one for capes and this logo takes everything from his newer appearance. The details are vague, but it looks like we may see more from Donald Glover’s version of the character, red belt and all.

From Solo

In the same vain as Rangers of the New Republic’s logo; this one is vague but does include a look at an early version of the Rebel Alliance’s symbol incorporated into the name. Cassian Andor will be a deep dive into the rebellion’s darker side, so the incomplete symbol shows us that they are not quite the heroes we saw them as in the original trilogy just yet.

This one is similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi in that the animation is a detail in of itself. The burning away of the Clone Wars to reveal an ashy title is the basis of the show, which promises the fall of the Republic in the same animation style as the Clone Wars TV show. The texture on the logo looks like a venator class star destroyer roughed up and destroyed.

Rogue Squardon is quite self-explanatory, but the thing to note is that the X-wing in the logo is specifically one of the newer X-85 models from the sequel era. It could even be an entirely new model, signifying Patty Jenkin’s promise that this will take us into the future of the franchise.

The Acolyte is the final of all the logos to analyze, as Visions is an anthology and Taika Waititi’s movie is still in the works; both have no real direction in the logos. There is more to take away from the name itself, but the very edgy look to the letters, the red, and the uneven lightsaber slice through them are all signs of a Sith. Specifically an ‘Acolyte’, the Sith equivalent to a Jedi’s Padawan. Taking place at the end of the High Republic era, this could very well be the first time we see the story from the side of a dark side user.

The future of Star Wars is quite secret as new shows are being announced and teased all the time (i.e. The Book of Boba Fett). The few hints we get from the creators are just the tip of the iceberg. Getting a good look at these logos is giving us a hint at what’s to come.

Boardwalk Times will be providing more speculation and analysis in the months ahead so stay tuned for more!

Special writing credit for the Obi-Wan Kenobi section: Sara Edwards is the Star Wars Writer for Boardwalk Times.

Giovanni Delgadillo is a columnist for the Boardwalk Times.



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